Self Awareness
Worrying is one of the main factors of why people never upgrade and become more than they currently are. The unconscious thought of making up a circumstance in your mind is putting up walls all around your life. Walls of destruction, walls of doubt, and walls of failure. These walls block you from thinking outside the box, being creative, or even trying something new. In order to become something more than you are, you need to be able to see that there is room for growth or room for improvement. One thing that the majority of people do is let their past dictate their future by creating a mindset of strictly negative thought patterns. These people let every circumstance in their past control them. It's almost like a 90 pound weight on your shoulder that you can never remove and this holds you down from seeing opportunity when its present. Worrying is a main factor why people don't follow their passions. It's a reason why relationships fall apart. Worrying creates anxiety. But the biggest downfall is that it puts people in their death bed. Today is the day you stop worrying, today is the day you drop all your thoughts of doubt and disbelief and start making an impact in your own life and others as well to see big increments of change. Once you shift your mind from "what if", "but", "I don't think I can", "this isn't real", "why is this happening to me", "I'm not smart enough", "I'm not fit enough", to, "I believe in you and me", "everything that is happening is in my favor", "I dictate where my life takes me" is when you will eliminate stress and embrace the venture of happiness. Instead of focusing on the negatives, get your ass up and stop being lazy. Go to the gym if you are worrying about fitness. Make a budget plan and work harder to find a way to create another source of income if you are struggling financially. Sacrifice the little things that are not important to you in your life and big rewards will flow your way. Small sacrifices can include making new friends if you have negative influences in your life. You don't want people who hold you down, only uplift your soul and being. This can also include TV, games, drugs or fast food. Life change starts within. Believe in every word you say. The only person that knows yourself better than you is you. What has brought you to this moment today is every decision and thought you've made so far until now. Either you slowly start to make some conscious changes or you continually repeat what you've always done to continually get the same result. You are the one who manifests your path, no one else. Drop all the worries that are circulating your mind. They are not real circumstances unless you create it.
Absolutely anyone can take their life and make either a big change or a small change. It's honestly based on how determined you are for it. Starting now, just take a second to look at who you are. Once you have realized that you are something special made on this earth, you'll be right on your way to be making a difference. We are human beings, not animals, not trees, not even a fish - we are human beings. We have the opportunity and ability to change our life in a split of a second. All it takes is the comprehensive understanding to make the change. What is it going to take for you to understand the seriousness of making the switch? Sometimes it's hitting rock bottom for most people, either you are sick, broke or even un healthy. 90% of individuals will blame others for their circumstances in life, but it's not true. You must, starting today, take 100% RESPONSIBILITY of everything that happens in your life. You are the conductor of your life. You literally decide if you are to do physically well, financially well or emotionally well. Don't let circumstances control you, you control them. Once you understand that you manifest every aspect of your life from your past thoughts and actions, is when you can start to indulge into the growth factor in your life. Where you are today and who you are today is a result of your past actions and thinking patterns. This is how it is and how it will always be. If you are looking for that one perfect moment to appear for someone to say "Take my hand let me show you the way", you are out of your damn mind. There is absolutely no perfect moment for anything; you create the moment. You are the only person that will take you from the point you are now to the point where you want to be. Make a decision and control your thought patterns. Controlling thought patterns or your un concious mind is such an important factor to maintaining the belief that you need in order to make a switch and stay constant with it. First is, what are you filtering your mind with? Your surroundings, maybe friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues? Are they feeding you negative or positive energy? What are you listening to? What are you reading? You need to keep this glass cup you have clear. What I mean by clear is make sure this cup (your mind) is being filtered with gracious, nutritional information everyday that is creating growth. This will allow you to prosper and achieve your life endeavors. All of this is great, but it's not the main factor. The main factor is action. Without action there are no results. Results are what push you forward to continue and they give you the ability to believe in yourself to continue to prosper. Life is like a light switch. You can be filled with information, knowledge or even critical important facts, but none of this matters when the light switch is off. Once you make the decision to turn the light switch on, is when the room lights up and you can see the big difference.
1) Never Forget About The Little Things
The most important concept in a strong and healthy relationship is continuing to not forget how important the little things are. Think about this, when you first started dating your girlfriend or boyfriend, what gave your relationship that spark of reliability, comfort, and excitement? What was the most important things in which kept you guys happy that maybe you are not doing anymore? Seriously, think about it before it's too late. Did you call him or her at a certain time? Did you say certain words or phrases? Maybe you guys don't go out as much as you use too? Do you communicate as much as you want? What about celebrating special occasions? This is important to realize because feelings in the relationship can be diminished when you stop focusing on why you fell in love with your significant other. 2) Let Them Know What You Expect Expectations in a relationship are critical. They create the belief that your significant other should achieve what you have set out in your mind, and these can be created by your values and standards. Once you get into a relationship, let them know what you want out of this or what you are looking forward too. Make sure you are in a right state in your relationship to talk about this stuff. This is 100 percent dependent on if you feel confident in doing so, and when you are ready to express your thoughts on this matter. Things will fall apart, literally break down if you expectation are not met, month by month, or maybe even year by year. So once you are ready, let the know what you expect and develop a strong internal connection. 3) Sexual Connection If you don't give your significant other the sexual affection they require, they will move on or maybe the relationship will just become tremendously boring. Give them what they want, or they will sure find someone else to do so. If one day you are not in the mood but your significant other is, absorb yourself in the moment to satisfy them. It makes the biggest difference. You want your partner to feel like they are experiencing everything they ever wanted, if not they will revert their thoughts and think about the single life. GIVE them what they want sexually, if they are truly important to you. 4) Always Support Each other No matter what the circumstance is, if its for a positive outcome, always support one another. This shows that you are able to do what you want in your life and have someone right there next to you. Everyone has a dream, but if your lover doesn't support it, than why is he or she your true lover? When you are in a relationship you need someone who can fuel you, and be the gas to your car, and not the weight on your shoulder. Don't allow your self to be the tree, that stands there blocking everything, be the car who isn't scared of adventure or risk. Follow your dreams, and embrace yourself to the fact that you will motivate and develop confidence that your boyfriend or girlfriend knows that they are doing. Give them criticism if necessary, but don't over do it.
1) What Is It That You Are Focusing On?
Everyone has problems going on in their life. Anywhere from money issues, relationship problems, health, disease or even family trouble. Recognize that you are not the only one. Look at it this way. You can either look at the reality and understand what is happening, or you can make your own perception on what you want it to be. If you focus on the issues, the issue will never disappear, it will continue to appear in your mind unexpectedly even though you wish not to be going through this. Call this the "Law Of Attraction". The universe doesn't know what you want or don't want. It gives you "The Predominate thoughts you consistently think every second of the day". To learn more about this watch the movie or read the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Brynes. 2) Gratitude Be grateful for what you already have. Every morning you wake up, thank yourself to be living the life that you have. Understand that not everyone gets your type of opportunity. The more you are grateful for, the more you appreciate the little things in life. This will allow you to wake up with a smile every morning, instead of viewing every circumstance and person whose here to attack you. 3) Get Rid Of Clutter Any type of mess or clutter that is either in your car, house, bag or locker has to be organized as soon as possible. This can be the substantial difference between being calm and relaxed, over stressed and annoyed. Clutter exhausts the mind, it overwhelms your senses to think critically or creatively. Just a while ago UCLA inspected 32 Los Angeles mothers and realized that when dealing with clutter and their personal property, they had a tremendous increase on their stress hormone levels (Mikael Cho). Clean everything, and allow your mind to be clear of all negative thoughts. 4) Eat Well The saying "you are what you eat" is 100% true. If you put garbage in your body every single day, your skin, body and confidence will show that. Greasy, and sugary foods put you at a higher risk of diabetes and obesity. Eat healthy, allow your body to indulge in nutritional valued foods. It's as easy as one apple a day. Just by eating the healthy foods, you are allowing the body to absorb vitamins like vitamin C, which maintains bones, and blood vessels, Vitamin D, that helps create production of skin pigment, Vitamin B3 the helps convert food into glucose which the body uses for the production of energy, or even vitamin B6 which plays a tremendous role in our metabolism. Start eating healthy today, and allow your body to feel good and look good. 5) Surround Yourself With Positive People Positive people can show you the brighter side of things. If you have a problem, they are most likely willing to help you. This can be close friends, if not, family members, teachers or professionals. They can build your confidence level up and create a belief in yourself maybe that you didn't originally have. Don't allow yourself to build up an extensive amount of none healthy inner thoughts. This can lead to long term stress. The faster you find a resolution for your problem, the faster you can feel better and move on with your life, the faster you can consume the life of positive thinking again, and living calmly. These 5 steps are critical, embrace them, and you will truly live a life that is stress free.
1. Arrive 30 Minutes Before
1) Dress Accordingly
1) Be Specific About What You Want to Achieve A lot of individuals and people in society are honestly concerned or confused on what they want to get out of life, who they should become, and even what they are here for. If you want to be specific, put your head down and focus. Figure out if you want more money? More Success? More love? Better Marks in school? You want family, colleagues or friends to look up to you? You want your own business? Figure it out, and write it down. Once you've done that figure out a realistic time frame, than make a long term goal for yourself, 1 year? 2 years? whatever is realistic to you. Than with that you want to break it down into monthly/weekly goals so you can take minor steps in order to achieve the smaller disciplines so you can eventually focus on the bigger ones. "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments" Jim Rohn. Small disciplines can include, cleaning, organizing, eating healthy or even getting good sleep. Big Disciplines include building a business, focusing on sales as an employee, moving up on the ladder of success in your organization, or even just self development. Jim rohn says "A failure is few errors in judgement repeated everyday" 2) Act, Don't Wait Take action right away; the time is never the right time. If you wait for the perfect moment to come in order to start something, you've already lost out on the opportunity. Winners take action right away. Make a decision, don't let anyone put assumptions in your head because they are scared that you will achieve more than them. You need to stay committed and disciplined to these actions, don't rush success. If you put in the work everyday, the universe will repay you. If you stop for one day, remember "If you rest to long the weeds will take over the garden" Jim Rohn. You need to dominate everyday, there is no other option. Do what others won't do today in order to have what others won't have tomorrow. Just remember this, "Success is a few small disciplines practiced everyday" Jim Rohn. 3) Surround Yourself with Success Right now you want to look around, literally look around. "You are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with" Jim Rohn. If the people that surround you in your life have pennies in their pocket, are doing drugs, don't have good jobs, lazy, and they really don't care, you are the average of these 5 individuals and you need to realize that. As soon as you realize this, you slowly start to move away from these old habits and ways so you can start developing yourself, by surrounding yourself in an abundance of success. First step, start LISTENING to audios, READING books, and COMMUNICATING with others that have what you want. You want to be a successful investor? Read a book on Warren Buffet. You want to become a successful basketball player? Read and listen to people that have exactly what you desire. "We become what we think about most" Brian Tracy. It's not just about reading and listening, go learn it from your own personal experience. Get out there and fail. The only way to learn is by failing. Life is full of experiences. You don't do what they do to get what they have, you do what they do, you go through what they went through, you feel how they felt and then just maybe if you did so, you'll get everything you have ever imagined. 4) Ask Yourself If You Are Happy? Money and success doesn't come from only desiring these materialistic components. What really attracts success in your life is if you are passionate or happy with what you are doing. People sense these characteristics about certain individuals. If you really want money, what is it that you are passionate about? If you figure this out, you will activate a result in passive cash flow. What makes you happy? What do you love doing? That will be a result of achieving the desired goals. "Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want" Jim Rohn. If you want others to follow you or to be inspired by what you are doing, you need them to be able to look at you and say in their head, "I want to be like this guy". So go follow your passion, be happy, and the money will come after. |
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