The breakthrough moment, when will it occur? To be honest, I personally don't know. What I do know is that if you work hard enough on something consistently, evolve your perspective, focus on growth, analyze personal weaknesses, double down on personal strengths, and one of the most important is surround yourself with self-motivated uplifting individuals who are willing to be honest with you at each moment, you will acquire that breakthrough moment. Life is far from easy. You start at knowing nothing and throughout life you start to piece together an understanding of where you should be and how you will acquire it. Most of us start as children being ignorant to our surroundings, to situations and experiences, to economics, personal finance and personal relationships which leads to a lack of development that we need to acquire in order to create a sense of urgency to truly start to analyze critical factors that play a huge role in where we ultimately end up in life. The sooner a person as myself can look in the mirror and say I don't know, I'm not sure but I'm willing to find out and do whatever it takes to reach that specific end point is where life starts to get real and you truly start to evolve and no longer are floating through the universe acting as if your eyes are shut. It's tough at the beginning, you don't understand something so you choose to ignore it. Ignoring important events and situations can hinder your understanding to the basic fundamentals of life. Once we are now open to learning and open to new experiences, we start to indulge and discover things that we may love, hate or truly just need to understand to get from point a to point b. Being teachable, having the willingness to learn, the willingness to accept change and adapting to those circumstances without conforming to them and the environment is where life really starts rolling in an upward trajectory for anyone. If you have nothing, no money, not many valuable relationships, fitness isn't up to par or your education level hasn't been progressing, the first place you can start is by asking yourself who is it to blame? Your family? Your friends? Your coworkers? No. You are to blame. The first place to start is within and accepting all responsibility for all the decisions you've made. Once we can break past that, we can flip to a new page. You can't change your whole life in one day, you can change the trajectory of it. Lets start with some personal goals and priorities first. What age are you? What should you have acquired up to this point? College Diploma? University degree? License? Savings? Healthy relationships? A job? A career? A healthy body? High income skill? Increased level of responsibility? Focus on those and get those done.
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This topic is something I have wanted to speak on for a while. Without taking this concept stated in the title into consideration, we as human beings are going to put ourselves in a constant position of high-risk opportunities, uncertainty and unrealistic goals. This can also work on the flip side as well. With the lack of evolving and adapting, we can let ourselves become a drone, floating through life. We stop focusing on trying to increase our worth to the marketplace. This worth can represent wisdom in your field of expertise, financial literacy, communication skills and technological skills. Your current worth can even come into play when taking a look at your network. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are they valuable people? Do they have a major influence on helping you acquire new business? Are they able teach you new skills or help you connect with other like-minded individuals? These are important questions to ask ourselves. It shows us if we are really on the right track. Every year, if you are a goal oriented person, we review our previous years’ goals and we set new ones. Sometimes we go through a mental list that we had set out of for ourselves, maybe even a written list. Anyways, we review this list and we start thinking, did we accomplish everything we wanted to last year? If so, continue to refine this process and set more ambitious goals for yourself. If not, why is that? The truth is, majority of people don't have any written goals for themselves, so they don't have any idea where they truly stand on this scale. Most human beings I find are not totally lost. There’s a few processes within their current process that are flawed. It’s our problem to figure out what that flaw is. The fact is, it may not be as easy as it sounds. Some of us take a look from a third person perspective and say, "okay, if I just stopped doing this so much" or "maybe, if I just started to put a little bit more focus into this one habit I can improve my situation tremendously." The hard part is building the discipline muscle to follow through with what is actually flawed. Without consistent discipline, we will repeat this same flaw that is causing us to self-destruct. Without the constant realization and asking ourselves questions like "where am I currently and realistically, what are the odds of me getting to this goal. " We will remain in a constant state of disappointment. At the beginning of every year are we setting ourselves up for failure or success? You may say, “I'm obviously setting myself up for success". Why wouldn't you respond like that? The main factor is, are your words correlating with your actions and are these actions correlating with the current flaw that is holding you back from improving your current and future situation. Another question we should ask ourselves is, where do I currently position myself on this scale of health, wealth, love and happiness? Is everything way out of balance? Do I need to improve in one area drastically or am I neglecting all of them? We have to be honest with ourselves every day. Attack the beast that destroys your dreams and goals. Attack the beast in your head that lets you think you can manipulate any situation in your favor. Attack that beast that inflates your ego to a point where your goals are no longer realistic and now you are setting yourself up for continuous letdowns and setbacks. Attack the beast that allows you to exaggerate current success to friends and families which in return is inflating a fairytale dream. In my personal opinion, in order to take control of your life we got to be real with ourselves at all times. In order to adapt, we need to evolve, grow, become better and wiser. Focus on the process but review the results and by reviewing the results, adapt accordingly. Nobody is perfect. No one has the key to the holy grail, but the more honest we are with ourselves on a daily basis, the easier we can recognize faults, mistakes, but also recognize our strengths and our successes. I've truly accepted the fact that life is hard. I don't use that statement to discourage me from accomplishing big goals, I allow this to build and construct myself for the person I need to become in order to fulfill these goals and progress to unquestionable heights. Jim Rohn says, "Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom". Most of us, when we are growing up, develop a story about ourselves that are determined by our circumstances and environment that we grow up in. We allow ourself to accept these facts. We generally become it and we live it. We are human beings, not a tree nor a rock. We are able to redirect our life, change the direction, and develop a more philosophical state of mind to acquire a better life. We have the ability to expand and become ultimately unrecognizable. It’s our decision to make. I believe in order for anyone to take a certain aspect of their life serious, there has to be a sense of urgency. For example; tired of having no money, tired of having a lack of ambition, tired of seeing your family struggle, tired of your health continuing to deteriorate or even just being tired of having a life that is not progressing in the direction you truly want. Myself personally, some people can relate and some cannot. I grew up making ends meet and was constantly trying to figure out what was the next step in order for the family to sustain itself. Once I hit my teenage years, I had a pre determined story of myself. I dealt with anxiety, depression and loneliness. I already knew the ending of my story and where I was headed. Personally, I was not satisfied at all but I was willing to accept it. There’s a quote by David Thoreau that says, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called confirmed desperation." What this means is that, many men and women live their lives trying to achieve a specific endeavor and once they are hit with adversity a couple of times they give up and quit completely. They end up living their life desperately. They end up never believing in themselves or others. Most of them don't like to talk about it or try to combat it which is similar to the saying "quiet desperation" as David Thoreau would say. Listen, we don't need to be like the mass or the herd. We can overcome this state of mind through an information filtration system. If you live in a negative environment, you need optimistic and realistic information, not pessimistic views from people who don't have what you want. Some point in our life we must figure out what we are truly put on this planet for, but you will never know until you continue to seek. Those who seek will find. Continue to keep the fire lit with constant information that is related to what you are trying to achieve. If you step too far away from this fire it will eventually become distinguished and your desire and inspiration will vanish from your eyes. If this happens, that story will continue to pop up when you allow your consistent lack of disciplines to erode your psyche. The smallest lack will start to effect your habits and even your own philosophy. The smallest of tasks matter the most, don't neglect the smallest of disciplines. To conclude this, you never know when you are going to die. So put all your energy into everything you do. Commit, excel, fail and progress. Life is short, but we all can make it long by the way we live. In a society we live in today, we can really create a blurred vision of what our reality is and what we are actually perceiving through our mind and body. In a generation that is very focused on instant gratification, monetary value and pleasure, we start to really derail ourselves from what is actually important for long term benefit and growth. As humans, we want things instantly. It seems to make us happy in that sense. But, imagine living a life where everything was handed to you and you never faced adversity nor hardship in your life. Our psychological mind will not receive any benefit of experiencing emotions like fear, anger, depression and even anxiety. Without experiencing these senses it will lead to lack of growth and trying to expand our brain plasticity. Which is known for developing growth within the brain. If we are on a constant search for pleasure, instant gratification and monetary value, we will never be satisfied. We will continue searching for more and more and when we don't have those things it will put us in a continuous state of dissatisfaction and we will be looking for others appraisals to feed this ego we have when we don't have those three things. Being apart of a journey like this will eventually lead us to decrease our self esteem and self confidence. I think those are one of the most important characteristics a human can have. Without those, we wouldn't do anything except feed on our friends and families energy. We would become a leach literally sucking blood pushing others away, which could lead to lonely-less and permanent solitude. As human beings we develop our perception on how we view our life and where we are on a daily basis. This outlook will determine how we feel emotionally towards are goals. If we are working towards something on a daily basis and things for some reason aren't seeming to progress in a specific area, our natural nature is to blame the outer circumstance and not our self. We actually put on a facade in our mind of where we are in order make us feel better. We go hang out with our friends and family and they ask how we are doing and we say great. They ask specific questions about the business or goal and you lie. Sometimes this lie effects our psychological mind of how we perceive things in our own life. If we continue to lie to others, we are internally lying to our self. This lie makes you feel good every time you say it and this lie starts to craft itself into your life. You stop trying to fix what’s wrong, you stop trying to grow and learn. You stop trying to evaluate and reflect. This becomes a negative feeding spiral effect. You are feeding the beast, which is lie that makes you feel good. If you continue to approach life in this manner, you will allow this lie to become who you are. Ten years later you'll still feel good, but once you finally come to the realization that you haven't actually arrived, you wont. It didn't effect you then, but trust me it will affect you at that point. Let’s take our mind and re-calibrate it. Let’s focus on self-mastery and how to become the best version we can be as a human being. We are all born in different circumstances in life. Some of us are broke, middle class or rich. Forget all of that. Let’s take a look at our inner self. Our circumstances don't need to dictate who we are or what we think about. True happiness comes from continuous growth and progress within our philosophy on health, life, relationships, physiology and psychology. No longer will we compare ourselves to others. From now on we will focus on building solid relationships, self actualization, financial independence, health, energy and our philosophy. Everyday we wake up we get this feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with our current reality, You can feel it in your gut, your heart, your brain and in your bones. While we are growing up we are taught to follow all these rules; go get a job, save money and then retire. Times have changed, reality has changed. The more our society progresses, the more we need to progress. Instead of our average life expectancy being 70 years old, majority of people are living to 85-95 years old. More inventions and things we never thought was humanly possible are being created. Regular jobs are disappearing because of artificial intelligence. If we don't think outside the herd mentality, we will constantly be stuck in the past. If you do what everyone else does, you'll get what everyone else has. Plain and simple. Everyday we must be figuring out, what makes us stand out? What makes us as a unique individual? Why will be get ahead compared to the person beside us? Every single day we must be focused on personal growth. For example if it's building our mental factory, learning to be more effective as a human being, learning a new skill that brings value to others or if it creates economic activity. Are you on a daily basis taking one step ahead, or one step back, in a psychological sense? Time is limited and extremely scarce. Once it's used it can never come back. Treat your life as a long calendar. What are your plans for tomorrow, week, quarter, year or even century? Most individuals just think about this very outlandish goal, super far out in the sky. These individuals talk about it all the time. It makes them feel good. It creates a sense of accomplishment even though they haven't achieved it. Then, we look at their current life and they are literally doing nothing that is directly correlated to what they are trying to achieve. They believe that if they just think of this goal everyday it will fly from the sky. An angel from above will come down, take their hand and drop them where they belong. As Jim Rohn would say, "Affirmations without discipline is the beginning of delusion". Majority of individuals, even myself in the past, go into a state on reaffirming to everyone what you will achieve but in reality it made you feel actually less excited about it because instead of transferring your energy into an activity that can produce a result, you end up wasting your high level of energy and transferring it into someone else who probably could care less. Start early and get into full gear now. Don't continue to postpone your life goals, for example, if it's self growth, investing, going to school, getting that job that can lead up to your potential dream job, reading, listening to others who have what you want. Truth is, some of us will do all these things but then forget about the importance of reading and listening to audios which contribute to our self growth. I believe without these mechanisms in your life, especially if you have been brought up in an environment in your life where money was scarce and hard to get, we must be reading and learning new concepts on a daily basis. If we don't contribute to our mind, free opinions will take over. Starting from an itch, becoming a wound and developing into a gushing blister full of blood. What I mean by these free opinions is the opinions of anyone around you. This can be your best friend, family member, acquaintance or even co-worker. People see you doing well and they want to hold you back, it's human nature. The herd usually wants to hold you back, so they will come up with reasons in their head why it wont work for you. For example, the risk involved and sacrifices you are going to need to make. Guess what ends up happening? You get what they have and you stay exactly where you are. Take advantage of the time you have now, so you can later trade that time for experience. When you trade time for experience you allow yourself to spend more time on things that really matter. Take control of your life. What happens, happens to all of us. What we do about what happens to us makes the difference. Learn how to manage your finances now, learn how to communicate effectively now, learn how to provide value to another now, and develop a new skill now, Don't wait for tomorrow. Truth is, majority of us won't get what we want by the time we really want it. We allow discouragement and disappointment to build up to finally tear us apart and develop this mentality that the economy is not fit for us to succeed, or you weren't born with the right genes. We start to believe we don't have the skills to get what we want. We take one step forward and the wind pushes us one step back. We veer off the road and live our life in resignation. We come to the conclusion that we are not meant to succeed so i'll just live the way everyone else does. Listen, we aren't that type of human being. We can do what we want, no matter what age. Put your life into perspective, be patience and BECOME BETTER EVERYDAY. Simply, if you don't do those things you'll fall behind and the person who is up an hour before you working on their craft will get ahead and you'll be left in the wind flying in the sky. Take control of your life now. Don't be like the 97%. Don't eat what they eat, don't talk like they talk, don't think how they think and don't do what they do. You are unique, so act like it.
In life we face a lot of adversity and downfalls, but it's our purpose that keeps our head up and allows us to continue to take the next step. Throughout life it's found that human beings are able to look at others and think that something may be easy to do. We set unrealistic goals for ourself and end up falling short. The continuation to set unrealistic goals will lead us in this spiral of disappointment and discouragement. Don't get me wrong, setting long term goals and short term goals is a must. They should be realistic but also full of optimism in this situation. Take the time to understand the history of what you've done to recognize what your future capabilities are. "If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn. As human beings we need to acknowledge that in order to get to somewhere we've never been and to get to levels that we see our role models are at, we must go through their experiences, trial and tribulations, emotional distress, setbacks and points of discouragement. It's not that you need to live the same life that they did, but you need to go through your own experiences and understand you wont get anywhere without paying your dues and putting in the consistent years of dedication and work. Life isn't easy, but we have the ability to make it work in our favor by discipline, dedication, continuous growth, failing, and just overall putting in the work needed.
I want to start off this section with a very informative quote. "Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion" Jim Rohn. If you didn't read my last post which was based upon taking full out action this year and executing on achieving your goals, check it out before you read this. This year has been the year where we started doing a specific task and completing it right to the end. This is the year we built our confidence and self-esteem up by continuing to commit and follow through with daily disciplines. Let me ask you something, don't you want to experience everything life has to offer? The nice house, the vacations, the cars, the opportunities or even just the freedom? What are you doing right now that is working towards fulfilling that? Really think about it. This is the year where we work EXTREMELY HARD and don't take any days off, not one. This is the year we dedicate our self to our craft. This is the year where we save money, invest and continue to do this repeatedly.
Compound growth is not something you should want, but NEED and should be set in your mind as a life necessity. This is our path way to success, this is our life on the line. If you don't take the first step, no one will take it with you. Theres no special moment, theres no special person, theres no special circumstance. We need to all understand this, what ever you are doing right now, do it one hundred percent. If you are working, focus on work. If you are cleaning, focus on cleaning. If you are developing a specific skill set, focus on that. If you are focusing on self-growth, through the process of self development, and continuing to search for the information that you can add onto your current knowledge, focus on that. If you are setting goals, focus on setting goals. Do everything one hundred percent, because everything affects everything. Lets start to be productive on a daily basis, it takes 7 days to build a habit and one day to break it. We all need to start somewhere, like Brian Tracy says, "If you read only one book per month, that will put you into the top 1% of income earners in our society. But if you read one book per week, 50 books per year, that will make you one of the most educated, smartest, most capable and highest paid people in your field. Regular reading will transform your life completely." It all starts from the inside, if we want to get somewhere we have never been, we need to become someone who can get there.
In life, sometimes we believe more is better, but that's not always the case. In order to see productivity, you must execute in order to see results. At first you will see productivity, which is mostly short term gain. If you want to fulfill those long term goals you have set out for yourself, start to buckle down and focus on one path. Why I say this is because we get too excited about certain areas in our life and we think we can be anything we want so we continue to take on all these standards for ourselves. “I want to become this”, or “I would like to do this”, instead of you actually trying to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are, you start to look around at people and maybe even start comparing yourself to them. You develop a habit of making decisions based off people’s outer score card. I believe when we are young it's great to take on many opportunities to see what you are interested in, but once you start to creep into your mid 20's is when you should start actually seeing what your strengths are and what you could possibly do well in. Everyone has been put on this planet for some reason. It's your job to figure out what that job is. If you spend your lifetime figuring out what that is, it might be too late. A lot of people in this universe spend their entire life trying to figure out what they want but time eventually runs out. We all have a limited amount of time on this earth, so we must take advantage of the days and hours we have left. We have to take advantage of what we are capable of, what we can leave behind, and what others will remember us for. Whatever age you are, I don't care if you are 15 or 55, start to actually think how you want to feel once you retire one day. It's never too early. The earlier you start to develop strict positive habits, the easier you will make it for yourself. Start to focus on your inner score card. Build the discipline today, not tomorrow. This year is a year based off executions. No one cares about what you are trying to do, they just don't. You need to be able to sit down, put your head down, and execute what you have been saying you are going to do. All it takes is taking a damn pencil and writing it down before you forget and postpone it for another 3 years. This procrastination bull stops today; you are extremely capable of anything you desire or willing to put the effort towards. Taking on multiple standings in your life is great, but you need to put more focus on one of them. It has to consume you. Balance is key, but you are the determining factor of how you want to balance your life. Change your focus. Realign yourself on a path to making shit happen this year. Let’s go. Good luck in 2017. Ps, if you want to take away full value from this blog watch the videos as well, Such powerful information presented.
What are you doing after work? Are you procrastinating? Wasting valuable time? Watching tv? Watching movies? Playing video games? Always going out for pointless reasons? Spending money you don't have? Most individuals talk about how they want a lot out of life, but what are they really doing that is actually contributing to building their future. It really doesn't matter what age you are. They say, the older you get the more tv you watch. But why? Because usually they are not satisfied and they need to sit in front of a tv to distract them from reality, which isn't doing anything except running up their electricity bill and disconnecting them from reality. Then one day they realize it's to late and they've lost every bit of desire to achieve more and to go after what they've always wanted. This doesn't have to be a reality for any of you. Life is full of unlimited possibilities.
Whatever you're doing after school and work dictates where you end up in the next five to ten years. If you aren't happy with your current circumstances, don't just sit there and accept it. Don't just say to yourself, this is how it's meant to be. If you are not content and enjoying every moment of your day, all you need to do is take one step everyday to change it. What is one step? Pick up a book and educate yourself on a skill you are lacking in your life or a skill you want to improve on. You can even surround yourself with people who are like minded. There is so much you can do. Most of us are just lazy. Instead of sitting there doing pointless activities, go on the internet and search up something you want to excel in or maybe take a class on it. Learn from people who know what they're talking about. This is not all it takes. You need to craft your skill. Every single day you need to work on that skill and develop yourself. Once you start to commit and discipline yourself to these daily tasks, it will create a stream of progress in your life. I always speak about progress and this is because progress creates human life. If all we did was stand still in one spot and watch our life move beyond our eyes but we continue to remain in that same position, we truly would not be happy. Jim Rohn once said, "If you don't like where you are, change it. You are not a tree". People who have achieved wonders in their life didn't do it by acting like every other person out there. If you want to finally get your career started and your life finally moving, just make the decision and do it. Every year that you decide not to make the decision to go after what you desire it is postponing it further in the future. You need to build the fundamental blocks that will help you develop a strong foundation for yourself. If you rush things, you will disappoint yourself. Patient is key, but timing is everything. In our day and age there is no living comfortable. You are either surviving or living. One or the other. You make the decision which category you want to fall under.
What is Self Affirmations? It's a consistent method of reaffirming your greatness and your strengths. It's a way to gain confidence in yourself and develop new positive habits. Greatness and happiness start all from the inside. Whatever is happening inside your body today is going to be a result of your external figure. Self Affirmations is a way to deal with any conflict or situation by affirming to yourself, for example "This was meant to happen; if these circumstances didn't occur I would not be where I am today". Before we go too far, we need to start with the basics. First of all, this takes practice. This is literally a skill. We mentally were not born to look at every bright side of any situation that occurs. The reality is happiness is a practice, and one way to create this happiness is training your mind on affirming to yourself every single day. We are not talking about going on your knees to pray here which is also great. What I'm trying to tell you is no matter where you are in your life right now, you can be happy. Let's say you are not the greatest looking person around, and every time you look in the mirror you kinda put yourself down, nor do you enjoy photos. Practically every time you are doing these things you are bringing your self-esteem down. When you bring your self-esteem down you are basically creating dissatisfaction, worry, and even more problems in your own life. Problems can be unlimited when you have a low self-esteem because you are not confident, and you are doubting your abilities to make decisions or even to act accordingly. This all can be changed today and it won't be difficult.
Starting tomorrow when you wake up in the morning the first thing you are going to tell yourself is, "Today is going to be a great day" or, "What a great morning I'm having. Today wonderful circumstances and opportunities are going to be drawn towards me". To be honest, you can have fun with it and make up your own affirmations just to start your morning off perfectly. Usually the way your morning starts by default you tend to drag this feeling on throughout the day. If throughout the day things are not going as planned just say to yourself, "Everything is amazing, and I'm so grateful for who I am". Sometimes what you are affirming doesn't even need to be correlated with the situation you are dealing with. This is just a way to decrease anger, annoyance, irritation, stress, and even frustration. Once you continue to feel satisfied in these methods, now when you look at yourself in the mirror all you want to do is look at yourself and say, "God damn I'm hot" or even, "I'm so grateful for looking this good". If you literally allow yourself to do this for an extended period of time, you will allow yourself to believe that you are a remarkable person. This type of practice will allow you to cure stress, low self-esteem or anxiety. This list can go on forever. By the time you are lacking those negative emotions and feelings in your life, you start to feel better which in fact makes you look younger. You'll eventually see if you have a specific sickness caused by stress in your life that it will be gone. Listen, this isn't just a method or thing you do for one week or one year, but it's something you do for the rest of your life. We can go on about this topic forever and discuss the benefits. All you need to understand is that all you are trying to do is consistently speak to yourself in your head. Feed your mind with positive personal opinions, and self-develop to filter clean water through your mind. Get rid of any dirty cups you have and throw them away. Do you want more out of life? Get up and believe in who you are and don't ever think about doubting yourself because all that is saying is that you gave up on life. People are depending on you to help them. Start practising self-affirmations today to develop an unconscious method that you will do every single day for the rest of
Living a life without limits is equivalent to living a life with unlimited amount of potential. Life is not a game of probability. It's a life of possibilities. Don't just roll the dice, place the dice on the table and choose which number you want to see. This is similar to the way you need to look at your own life. People who have become something great in their life didn't just say let me try this out and see what happens, they commit their life to it and already decided that they were to make it happen. The thought of being there is already embeded in their mind. They are concious of the journey and the ups and downs they may go through but the thought of limitation is no longer a question. Stop setting standards above yourself based on your past results or circumstances.
What ever you believe you are capable of doing, is what you will reach to aspire in. Your thought paterns is what creates the amount of belief you have within. With the belief you set upon yourself is the actions you will take towards achieving a desired destination. Allowing yourself to commit to these daily actions will leave you with a result, which will continue to circulate through your entire life. Everyone wishes to live a life without limits, but most don't understand what it takes in order to step in that direction. It's not just about talking about what you want or reading about how you can get what you want. It's one hundred percent about doing what you want and taking consistent action to get that. Life is full of trial and error. But if you continue to live your life and not commit to one thing is when you will forever be lost. Five great qualities to have are setting short term and long term goals, managing your time, manging your money, self confidence, and to always be a student. 1. Setting Short Term and Long Term Goals Gives you a destination to work towards. If you don't goal set you'll end up somewhere you don't want to be. 2. Managing Your Time Everyone has 24 hours in a day, depending what you do with those hours in each day it will have a congruent destination. 3. Managing Your Money Without managing your money it will be much more difficult to reach your goals. You wont know how much is coming in or going out. You are more likely to put yourself in a lot of debt without realization. Without a budget, suprise expenses will throw you off. Make spread sheets and take advantage of your money. 4. Self Confidence With a lack of self confidence, it effects your self esteem and your happiness. Building your self confidence will increase your ability to achieve more. You will continue to strive for more. You won't settle for less than what you want. You will speak better and you will ultimately love yourself and it will rub off on others. 5. Always be a Student Continue to learn more and grow your mind. Life is a learning process. You learn from your own experiences and others. Take the good and the bad and make your own philosphical decisions on what to apply. As soon as you block off the learning in your process of achieving your goals is when you become stuck. Allow your knowledge to continue to grow over the years. Learn from successes and also failures. |
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