Absolutely anyone can take their life and make either a big change or a small change. It's honestly based on how determined you are for it. Starting now, just take a second to look at who you are. Once you have realized that you are something special made on this earth, you'll be right on your way to be making a difference. We are human beings, not animals, not trees, not even a fish - we are human beings. We have the opportunity and ability to change our life in a split of a second. All it takes is the comprehensive understanding to make the change. What is it going to take for you to understand the seriousness of making the switch? Sometimes it's hitting rock bottom for most people, either you are sick, broke or even un healthy. 90% of individuals will blame others for their circumstances in life, but it's not true. You must, starting today, take 100% RESPONSIBILITY of everything that happens in your life. You are the conductor of your life. You literally decide if you are to do physically well, financially well or emotionally well. Don't let circumstances control you, you control them. Once you understand that you manifest every aspect of your life from your past thoughts and actions, is when you can start to indulge into the growth factor in your life. Where you are today and who you are today is a result of your past actions and thinking patterns. This is how it is and how it will always be. If you are looking for that one perfect moment to appear for someone to say "Take my hand let me show you the way", you are out of your damn mind. There is absolutely no perfect moment for anything; you create the moment. You are the only person that will take you from the point you are now to the point where you want to be. Make a decision and control your thought patterns. Controlling thought patterns or your un concious mind is such an important factor to maintaining the belief that you need in order to make a switch and stay constant with it. First is, what are you filtering your mind with? Your surroundings, maybe friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues? Are they feeding you negative or positive energy? What are you listening to? What are you reading? You need to keep this glass cup you have clear. What I mean by clear is make sure this cup (your mind) is being filtered with gracious, nutritional information everyday that is creating growth. This will allow you to prosper and achieve your life endeavors. All of this is great, but it's not the main factor. The main factor is action. Without action there are no results. Results are what push you forward to continue and they give you the ability to believe in yourself to continue to prosper. Life is like a light switch. You can be filled with information, knowledge or even critical important facts, but none of this matters when the light switch is off. Once you make the decision to turn the light switch on, is when the room lights up and you can see the big difference.
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